AI and Machine Learning in Sensitive Data Management

Cole PrudenArtificial Intelligence, Personal Data, Sensitive Data

A title image for a blog post AI and machine learning in sensitive data management by PII Tools

With more tools at our disposal than ever before, how can you use artificial intelligence and machine learning to handle PII and sensitive data effectively? Modern AI & Machine Learning At this point, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) don’t need much of an introduction. Our phones, cars, televisions… even some smart refrigerators come equipped with AI and ML … Read More

The Evolution of PII Protection: From Paper to Digital

Cole PrudenArtificial Intelligence, Data Discovery, Data Protection, Personal Data, PII, Sensitive Data

A picture for a blog post The Evolution of PII Protection: From Paper to Digital PII Tools

PII has come a long way in a relatively short time, yet protecting it fully is like trying to shield a moving target. But sometimes the best way to choose a path forward is to peek at the past and learn from its evolution. Humble Beginnings It’s hard to think about PII, or rather Personally Identifiable Information, without also imaging … Read More

Data Redaction: The Essential Guide to Protecting Sensitive Data

Cole PrudenData Protection, Personal Data, PII, Sensitive Data

PDF in-file data redaction example of before and after by PII Tools

The long-awaited data redaction feature by PII Tools is finally here. Generate new, AI-driven PDFs from original files with all personal data automatically blacked out – this is the future of genuinely efficient data redaction. What Does Data Redaction Mean At PII Tools, we’ve made it our calling to create AI-driven software to maximize data discovery and the remediation of … Read More

The California Delete Act: How it affects organizations

Cole PrudenCCPA, Compliance, Data Protection, Personal Data, PII

california delete act SB 362 PII Tools

All it takes is one request, and poof… everything’s gone. What is the California Delete Act Sunny California has long been a leader in surfing, movie-making, and… consumer privacy? That’s right, and as of Jan. 1, 2024, the California Privacy Protection Agency (CCPA) is set to enforce a new law that could completely change data storage as we know it. … Read More

Top Features to Look For When Comparing Data Discovery Tools

Cole PrudenData Discovery, Personal Data, Sensitive Data Discovery Tool, Uncategorized

An illustrative picture for data discovery tools PII Tools

Comparing features of data discovery tools is a complex task that can easily turn into a nightmare. Here is a shortlist of the most important features to take into account when selecting the best option for your business, so you won’t get caught in the net of unimportant details and technical specifications. The main purpose of data discovery tools is … Read More

Exercising Your Right to Be Forgotten

Cole PrudenPersonal Data

erase past illustrative picture GDPR by PII Tools

Some people want to be remembered forever. And yet, the idea of being “completely forgotten” in today’s data-driven world might be just as appealing. So, what exactly is the Right to Be Forgotten, and how can you apply it right now? More Than A Modern Fantasy Imagine a world where you can fully disconnect, have every single instance of your … Read More

The AI Revolution in Personal Data Discovery and Protection

Cole PrudenArtificial Intelligence, Personal Data

an illustrative picture for a blog post about AI PII Tools

Did somebody say AI? The world is currently experiencing a revolution of new and (slightly) worrying technology. With different implications in every field, how are personal data discovery and protection currently evolving? The Revolution Is Now Artificial intelligence, machine learning, ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion… good luck even spending five minutes online without being bombarded by these topics on every podcast, article, … Read More

Take Control of Your Personal Data in 2023

Cole PrudenData Breaches, Personal Data, Private Data

a user data protection illustrative picture security PII Tools

No matter where you go online, every company tries to get its hands on your personal data. Facebook, Google, Netflix, your bank, university, pharmacy, real estate agency… everybody. 2023 is the year to regain control of your private data, so let’s explore three ways how you can do it. The New Commodity By now, we’re all too familiar with FAANG … Read More