Scan Microsoft 365 Copilot for Sensitive Data & PII

Cole PrudenData Discovery, PII, Sensitive Data Discovery, Sensitive Information

Scan Microsoft 365 Copilot for Sensitive Data and PII with PII Tools

Discover and remediate personal and sensitive data inside Microsoft 365 Copilot accounts. This includes both structured and unstructured data in Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft Exchange Online, and SharePoint Online. Full Microsoft 365 Copilot Support Microsoft’s AI chatbot, known as Copilot, recently became an integral part of Office 365. The official name is now Microsoft 365 Copilot, and PII Tools is still … Read More

How to: Protecting ePHI

Cole PrudenPII, Sensitive Data, Sensitive Data Discovery

title image for blog post Protecting ePHI by PII Tools

The average healthcare breach exposes 3+ million private patient records. What are you doing to discover, store, and protect ePHI? Why the ‘e’ in ‘ePHI’? HIPAA, PHI, PII, GDPR, ePHI… Where would we be without our acronyms? If you’re interested in protecting ePHI, it’s safe to say none of these are entirely new to you. The most important to our … Read More

How to Identify Leaked Data

Cole PrudenData Leak, Leak Management, Sensitive Data Discovery

An illustrative picture for phishing attacks by PII Tools

A data breach can happen to anyone at any time. Although there are many steps in responding to such a breach, the first is actually locating the data in question. If you’ve suffered a breach of information, how do you identify all affected parties? Detecting the Leak There are multiple ways you can tell you’re dealing with a data breach, … Read More

The What, Why, and How of PII Auditing

Cole PrudenIn-House Protection Software, PII Auditing, Sensitive Data Discovery

A chart for privacy penalty PII Tools

You’ve heard stories of companies running into trouble by not maintaining PII compliance and suffering severe legal ramifications. But what does that mean for you? Out of all the data you have, you’re sure you don’t have any PII lurking around in unwanted or even unlawful areas, right…? Ready or not, your next scheduled PII audit is around the corner. … Read More