PII and Its Many Forms

Cole PrudenPersonally Identifiable Information, Self-Hosted Auditing Software, Sensitive Data Protection

Sometimes, it feels like the goal of tech agencies and federal regulations, such as the GDPR, is to confuse us. Unless you’re used to using terms like “protected information” and “sensitive data” and seeing acronyms like PII, PCI, HIPAA, etc., this topic can seem a little daunting. So, let’s break it down and learn the exact differences between frequently used … Read More

What is PII and How Does it Affect You?

Cole PrudenPersonally Identifiable Information, Self-Hosted Auditing Software, Sensitive Data Protection

When it comes to protecting yourself and your company’s best interests, there are many forms of personal information to watch for. What exactly are these kinds of sensitive data, what is your relationship to them, and how does protecting them affect you and your business? What Exactly is PII If you’ve spent any time in the tech sphere or within … Read More

How to Identify Personal Data in the 21st Century

Cole PrudenData Discovery, Personal Data, Sensitive Information

Personal data comes in many shapes and sizes. As business owners, company employees, and internet consumers, it’s our job to know what personal data is and how to locate and protect it. But now that the new millennium is well on its way, is there any new technology out there that can help? Where to Get Started? Step one is … Read More

What is the LGPD and What Does It Mean For You?

Cole PrudenBrazil’s LGPD, GDPR Compliance, International Data Auditing

As technology grows, every company strives to keep up with each data compliance update, especially in their home country. But what happens when you’ve got clients in Brazil, or want to take your company international? Is Brazil’s new LGPD simply another version of GDPR, or is it something more? Introducing the LGPD Only coming into effect as of September 2020, … Read More

The What, Why, and How of PII Auditing

Cole PrudenIn-House Protection Software, PII Auditing, Sensitive Data Discovery

You’ve heard stories of companies running into trouble by not maintaining PII compliance and suffering severe legal ramifications. But what does that mean for you? Out of all the data you have, you’re sure you don’t have any PII lurking around in unwanted or even unlawful areas, right…? Ready or not, your next scheduled PII audit is around the corner. … Read More

What Are Sensitive Data Discovery Tools and How Do They Work?

Cole PrudenData Discovery, Personal Data, Real-Time Automation

With technology progressing and changing every day, it can sometimes be difficult to keep up with the times. As a business, however, falling behind can mean letting important (and legally binding) information fall through the cracks, disappointing customers and losing the trust of business partners. This is where sensitive data discovery tools come into play. But what exactly are they … Read More