What’s new: NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0

Cole PrudenData Discovery, PII

an infographic of the NIST cybersecurity framework by PII Tools

It’s been almost 10 years since the original CSF 1.0 was issued, and so much has changed since. What new guidelines does CSF 2.0 bring, and how can you implement them today? Remembering CSF 1.0 Before we get to the new stuff, let’s run through a quick recap of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) … Read More

Top Features to Look For When Comparing Data Discovery Tools

Cole PrudenData Discovery, Personal Data, Sensitive Data Discovery Tool, Uncategorized

An illustrative picture for data discovery tools PII Tools

Comparing features of data discovery tools is a complex task that can easily turn into a nightmare. Here is a shortlist of the most important features to take into account when selecting the best option for your business, so you won’t get caught in the net of unimportant details and technical specifications. The main purpose of data discovery tools is … Read More

Explaining Data Subject Access Requests — DSARs

Cole PrudenDSAR, PII, Right of Access

An illustrative picture for a blog post on DSAR by PII Tools

As a company owner in the 21st century, simply staying up-to-date on data compliance regulations will no longer cut it. Especially with the introduction of the GDPR in Europe, people have grown more interested in protecting their private information than ever before. So, when the time comes and one of your employees or customers makes a subject data access request, … Read More

The New CPRA Umbrella Covers HR Data

Cole PrudenCPRA, HR Data, Personal Data Protection

A unified data model diagram by PII Tools

Is it too early to start talking about New Year’s resolutions? Well, come January 1st, 2023, the only goal for many HR departments will be unraveling the CPRA’s latest privacy law on HR data. So, will you wait until after Christmas to finally see what all the fuss is about, or will you dive into the CPRA deep end while … Read More

Making GDPR Compliance Simple

Cole PrudenPersonal Data Discovery, Regulatory Compliance, Self-Hosted Auditing Software

An infographic on EU GDPR PII Tools

By now, we should all be well aware of the GDPR and what it means for our business. How is it then that so many companies remain GDPR non-compliant? Is the regulation too complicated, too time-consuming, or is it just a hassle? Discover everything you need to know to easily comply with the GDPR today. What is the GDPR and … Read More

PII and Its Many Forms

Cole PrudenPersonally Identifiable Information, Self-Hosted Auditing Software, Sensitive Data Protection

An image for PII and-its-many-forms by PII Tools

Sometimes, it feels like the goal of tech agencies and federal regulations, such as the GDPR, is to confuse us. Unless you’re used to using terms like “protected information” and “sensitive data” and seeing acronyms like PII, PCI, HIPAA, etc., this topic can seem a little daunting. So, let’s break it down and learn the exact differences between frequently used … Read More

How to Identify Personal Data in the 21st Century

Cole PrudenData Discovery, Personal Data, Sensitive Information

An illustrative picture for a blog article on how to identify personal data by PII Tools

Personal data comes in many shapes and sizes. As business owners, company employees, and internet consumers, it’s our job to know what personal data is and how to locate and protect it. But now that the new millennium is well on its way, is there any new technology out there that can help? Where to Get Started? Step one is … Read More

What is the LGPD and What Does It Mean For You?

Cole PrudenBrazil’s LGPD, GDPR Compliance, International Data Auditing

A LGPD illustrative picture PII Tools

As technology grows, every company strives to keep up with each data compliance update, especially in their home country. But what happens when you’ve got clients in Brazil, or want to take your company international? Is Brazil’s new LGPD simply another version of GDPR, or is it something more? Introducing the LGPD Only coming into effect as of September 2020, … Read More

The What, Why, and How of PII Auditing

Cole PrudenIn-House Protection Software, PII Auditing, Sensitive Data Discovery

A chart for privacy penalty PII Tools

You’ve heard stories of companies running into trouble by not maintaining PII compliance and suffering severe legal ramifications. But what does that mean for you? Out of all the data you have, you’re sure you don’t have any PII lurking around in unwanted or even unlawful areas, right…? Ready or not, your next scheduled PII audit is around the corner. … Read More