The vast majority of mistakes that lead to breached data are accidental and caused by human error. What are the best ways to train employees to handle PII and build unshakable security awareness? Accidental Data Leaks Humans are imperfect. Even if you have 20+ years of experience in data security and breach prevention, you can still slip up and make … Read More
Data Loss Prevention: 3 Basic Steps to Playing It Safe
$4.35 million. That’s the average cost of a data loss instance in 2022. Unless you’ve got that kind of cash just lying around, taking steps toward Data Loss Prevention will be your best option. But who’s keeping your data safe? DLP for Dummies Before you get anywhere near avoiding that 4-million-dollar “hit” to the yearly budget, you first need to … Read More
Preparing for a Data Breach – Are You Ready?
“Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.” With over 300 million people affected by data breaches last year alone, these words ring truer every day. But can you ever really be “prepared” for a data breach, or are we all relying too much on “hope”? Inevitability Regarding data breaches, it seems the questions are more “when will the next … Read More
Finding Affected Persons in a Data Breach
There was a data breach, the clock starts ticking. The dataset is large. How do you quickly determine who’s affected and how? Who’s Data Was Breached? Manual discovery of sensitive information is tedious and costly, so automated solutions like PII Tools come in handy. In its latest 3.7.0 release, we implemented new features in PII Tools to support breach workflows. … Read More
Exclude PII / PCI / PHI From a Breach Report
When responding to a breach incident, having a clear idea who’s affected and how is a matter of urgency. Manual discovery of PII information is tedious and costly, so automated solutions come in handy. But how to deal with false positives? PII Exclusions One typical task during a data review is removing unwanted data instances. PII Tools already automates PII … Read More