Suffering a data leak can be devastating. Depending on the size of your company and the amount of data you store, a single data breach could signal the end of your business. And with the number of data leaks only on the rise, it’s time to implement prevention’s best practices. Data Leaks Although we’ve all most likely heard of dangerous … Read More
What is the LGPD and What Does It Mean For You?
As technology grows, every company strives to keep up with each data compliance update, especially in their home country. But what happens when you’ve got clients in Brazil, or want to take your company international? Is Brazil’s new LGPD simply another version of GDPR, or is it something more? Introducing the LGPD Only coming into effect as of September 2020, … Read More
The What, Why, and How of PII Auditing
You’ve heard stories of companies running into trouble by not maintaining PII compliance and suffering severe legal ramifications. But what does that mean for you? Out of all the data you have, you’re sure you don’t have any PII lurking around in unwanted or even unlawful areas, right…? Ready or not, your next scheduled PII audit is around the corner. … Read More