Mishandling PII: The Risks and Consequences

Cole PrudenData Protection, GDPR, In-House Protection Software, Personal Data Protection, PII, Security, Sensitive Data Protection

Fines, penalties, fees… Oh my! But by mismanaging PII, we stand to lose more than just money. It’s time to look at what’s at stake and learn how to avoid these numerous pitfalls. It’s All About the Money Unfortunately, for many people and companies, the only time they actually start to care is the moment their wallet gets involved. Taking … Read More

A Beginner’s Guide to POPIA

Cole PrudenData Protection, GDPR

PII Tools – POPIA explained

Over the past two decades, the online world has experienced a true revolution in data protection. But each corner of the world handles PII differently, so put on your sunglasses and safari hat because we’re headed to South Africa!

How To: Understanding RoPA and Achieving Compliance

Cole PrudenData Discovery, GDPR, GDPR Compliance, Private Data

Did you know the GDPR has 99 different articles and over 250 pages? You’ll likely never know each provision individually, but there’s at least one article worth paying extra attention to. Meet Article 30: RoPA. The GDPR If you’re the kind of person interested in articles about sensitive data and compliance, we sure hope you’re already well aware of the … Read More

Person Cards® – The Holy Grail of Data Discovery

Cole PrudenData Discovery, GDPR, PHI, PII

By 2025, the global datasphere is estimated to hold as much as 175 zettabytes of data. How can companies today possibly have a chance to organize that much information? The answer: Person Cards®. More Data, More Problems 175 zettabytes of data worldwide? Considering a single zettabyte is equal to a trillion gigabytes (yes, with a ‘T’), the actual amount of … Read More