10 Reasons YOU Should Be Using PII Tools Right Now!

Cole PrudenData Protection, In-House Protection Software, Personal Data Protection, PII, Private Data, Sensitive Data Protection

There are plenty of reasons to use PII Tools Data Discovery Software, but we’ve managed to narrow them down to our TOP 10. Let’s check them out!

#1 Automated Scanning for 400+ File Formats

The more daily tasks you can fully automate, the more time you can focus on what actually makes your company money. And with over 400 compatible file formats, PII Tools provides automated AI-driven scans of your many storages, no matter what platform you prefer.

#2 Regulatory Compliance Made Simple

The GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, LGPD… and so many other acronyms. Achieving compliance with domestic and international regulations is a must for any company storing data. That’s why PII Tools was built specifically with worldwide guidelines in mind, allowing you to discover sensitive data specific to your scenario.

#3 Unmatched Data Protection

What’s the point of scanning your sensitive data if it’s not even stored safely? Any data you enter into the PII Tools software passes through a 100% air-tight, self-hosted installation that doesn’t even need an internet connection. In other words, no data EVER leaves your environment.

#4 Proactive Risk Management

With PII Tools’ real-time monitoring, you don’t have just to twiddle your thumbs until the alarms go off. Instead, the software automatically detects instances of PII, PCI, PHI, and more during upload! You no longer have to wait to mask or redact any and all detected sensitive data.

#5 Streamline Incident Reports

You’ve likely got datasets upon datasets ready to be scanned, meaning this process needs to be fast. So wave ‘hello’ to streamlined incident reports that offer a quick and easy top-down view of your scanned data, complete with alerts that draw your attention to the most critical areas right from the jump.

#6 Energetic PII Classification (and more)

Use PII Tools to classify different types of PII and other sensitive information efficiently. Set some types as ‘urgent’ or ‘high-risk’ and save time by setting aside less incendiary forms of protected data. You know what they say: “Organization is key to success!”.

#7 Minimize Risks

Storing sensitive data comes with inherent risks, from those caused by data breaches to risks caused by regulatory violations. PII Tools software minimizes all these potentially disastrous situations by catching at-risk data before it can get out the door.

#8 User-Friendly Interface

Interested in PII Tools but not looking forward to training your employees to use the new software? Then good news! PII Tools is completely user-friendly, requiring no expert knowledge beyond a few mouse clicks.

#9 Scalable for All Business Sizes

We know you’re looking to grow your company, which is why this software is a fully scalable solution, no matter how small or large your business is. Feel free to start using PII Tools now with only 20 employees, and keep on using it after you’ve got 1000+!

#10 Trusted by Industry Leaders

When you sign up for PII Tools, you’ll be far from the first to do so. Countless companies and organizations around the world trust PII Tools. They came for the state-of-the-art sensitive data discovery features and stayed for the impenetrable data security.

Try PII Tools Yourself

And the list goes on and on. But we’ve done enough talking; it’s time you tried the software for yourself and watched as the AI-driven solution uncovers sensitive data hidden in places you’d never even think to look.

Get Hands-On Experience with PII Tools’ Automated Data Discovery – It’ll Change How You Think About Effective Data Security