10 Reasons YOU Should Be Using PII Tools Right Now!

Cole PrudenData Protection, In-House Protection Software, Personal Data Protection, PII, Private Data, Sensitive Data Protection

There are plenty of reasons to use PII Tools Data Discovery Software, but we’ve managed to narrow them down to our TOP 10. Let’s check them out! #1 Automated Scanning for 400+ File Formats The more daily tasks you can fully automate, the more time you can focus on what actually makes your company money. And with over 400 compatible … Read More

Data protection of EU citizens jeopardized

Martin JanoušekData Protection, GDPR Compliance, News

The data protection of EU citizens under the GDPR is officially at risk as Helen Dixon, the Irish Data Protection Commissioner (DPC), publicly stated that the Irish Regulator does not decide on many citizens’ complaints. The Irish Data Protection Commissioner (DPC) has a huge responsibility on her shoulders because most of the tech giants (think Google or Facebook) have their … Read More

What is the LGPD and What Does It Mean For You?

Cole PrudenBrazil’s LGPD, GDPR Compliance, International Data Auditing

As technology grows, every company strives to keep up with each data compliance update, especially in their home country. But what happens when you’ve got clients in Brazil, or want to take your company international? Is Brazil’s new LGPD simply another version of GDPR, or is it something more? Introducing the LGPD Only coming into effect as of September 2020, … Read More