Securing Data Against AI Applications, Part II

Cole PrudenArtificial Intelligence, Compliance, Data Discovery, Personally Identifiable Information, Security, Sensitive Data Protection

Part 1 introduced the AI Data Protector and how it discovers at-risk and company data before it’s used by AI models. In Part 2, we’ll discuss other ways it can help safeguard your stored data, protecting both your business and your clients’ sensitive information.

Part 1 Recap

Part 1 of this mini-series on uploading sensitive data risk-free introduced the PPI detection API known as AI Data Protector and how it scans your company data before you use it in any AI programs. 

Third-party AI models like ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot data mine individuals’ and businesses’ information for training and machine learning purposes, and AI Data Protector ensures you aren’t handing over the metaphorical keys to the castle on accident.

But what happens after a scan is complete, and how exactly does the AI Data Protector classify different kinds of PII, sensitive data, and coveted company information?

Securing Data Against AI APPlications Prt II article by PII Tools

Source: The Fusioneer

Automatic Risk Classification

We learned about the initial remediation options in Part 1, so now we can discuss the actual backbone of this important feature. The first step is to set your custom parameters so the AI Data Protector knows what to look for and what you consider the highest priority.

It does this by placing each instance of potentially at-risk data into one of four categories: CRITICAL, HIGH, LOW, and NONE. You can then tell the AI Data Protector how to react to uploaded data of each type.

For instance, you may want to review all CRITICAL data yourself, considering its high importance. If an employee is tasked with textualizing a presentation and they’re about to upload some sensitive company materials to ChatGPT, you’re going to be glad when some PII or corporate data lights up red.

But such automatic risk classification works both ways. If you want to summarize an incredibly long and labor-intensive document using Microsoft 365 Copilot, then your workflow won’t even take a hit if everything in the scanned document is detected as LOW priority. This is a time-effective way to feel safe when still reaping the benefits of third-party AI models. 

Sensitive Data Security

Another standard feature of the AI Data Protector is its level of security. What good would it be if it scanned for potentially at-risk data, only for that information to later be leaked or viewed by unauthorized persons?

That’s why the PII Tools AI Data Protector is self-hosted and fully secure. “Self-hosted” means that it’s deployed within your company’s own infrastructure—either on your servers or in your private cloud.

With no external API calls, all the sensitive uploaded and stored data stays fully under your company’s control, ensuring compliance with all security and privacy regulations.

Additional Features

And last but not least, AI Data Protector users benefit from the following additional features:

  • Compatible with all commonly used file formats (400+ file types),
  • Scans for sensitive data in emails, databases, and structured & unstructured files,
  • Built-in OCR and facial recognition AI, ideal for images and pictures.

Feel Secure with AI Data Protector

The final takeaway from this mini-series on how to upload sensitive data risk-free is that the AI Data Protector not only helps safeguard your sensitive corporate data from third-party AI models but it works fast and seamlessly to keep your processes operating like nothing ever changed.

It’s a special combination of both streamlined workflows and more secure data storages, and that goes for both regulatory compliance and mitigating data loss or breaches.

PII Tools’ AI Data Protectors is the ideal tool for modern businesses. And if your company wants to benefit from free AI models but not leak company know-how along the way, then you have to ask yourself just one question: Who’s protecting your data?

Use AI Chatbots without Sacraficing Your Sensitive Data with AI Data Protector!